CVS Sacrifices Billions for Long-Term Delivery on Brand Promise

| Jeannie Walters

But understanding who you are as a brand and organization is the first step to delivering a superior customer experience. You don’t have to be all things to all people. You have to be the right things to the right people.

5 Retail Customer Experience Predictions for 2014

| Jeannie Walters

The customer experience is one of constant change. And customers are expecting retailers to keep up, regardless of the channel. Here are a few things we might get to see in 2014.

MCM Tuesday February 4, 2014

| Chris Intili

View Web Version MCM TUESDAY News and Intelligence for the Multichannel Merchant February 04, 2014   SUBSCRIBE UNSUBSCRIBE J.C. Penney’s Tweets Create Buzz, for Wrong Reasons Email Personalization: Going Beyond … Continue Reading →

3 Trends from CES that will Shape Retail in 2014

| Bernard Luthi

Over the last decade emerging technology has increasingly encroached on the traditional retail journey. Here are three of the consumer technology trends that caused a stir at this year’s show and how they might impact the retail sector in the year ahead.

MCM Thursday January 30, 2014

| Chris Intili

View Web Version MCM THURSDAY News and Intelligence for the Multichannel Merchant January 31 , 2014   SUBSCRIBE UNSUBSCRIBE 3 Trends from CES that will Shape Retail in 2014 NRF … Continue Reading →

Understanding the Omnichannel Approach

| Krishna Mehra

Combining the omnichannel retail approach with the phrase “the customer is always right” will eventually give way to a new phrase: “the right customer will have the right product at the right time through the right channel.”