MCM CommerceChat podcast

Dealing with Front-to-Back Risk Factors in Ecommerce Operations

| Mike O'Brien

In our latest MCM CommerceChat podcast, we talk to Robyn Meyer, partner, enterprise solutions at Transportation Insight, about challenges and opportunities in this disruptive environment, as well as some strategy, process and system changes companies can make to improve profitability and performance.

B2B Online Sales: The Next Battleground

| Daniela Forte

In years past, companies have relied on traditional sales methods like 1:1 sales, distributor relationships, and purchasing contracts to sell business products and services. See what executives expect from online retailers.

Amazon,, warehouse/distribution center, distribution center, fulfillment center, retail, online retail, online marketplace

Is the Amazon Effect Overrated?

| Tim Parry

If Amazon is, indeed, taking over the ecommerce world, then operations and fulfillment professionals are the last to know. Here’s a snapshot of the MCM Outlook 2014 report on operations and fulfillment.