The Golden Telephone Rule

| Bill Singleton

You rent the list, you find the right prospect and you make the sale. But then the customer disappears. What has happened? More than likely, the person has gotten caught up in your phone system.

Mailers Face a May Postal Hike

| MCM staff

The U.S. Postal Service, in its first increase under the new postal reform rules, will raise its rates on May 12 by low single-digit percentages.

Doing Matchbacks? Follow the Rules

| Jude Hoffner

OK, class, quick test: You mail a catalog, and 21 days later send a postcard. If the customers buys something on day 28, what fraction of that sale was postcard-driven?


| MCM staff

New lists Coastal Contractor and Digital Home Hanley Wood is offering controlled circulation lists of subscribers to its Coastal Contractor and Digital