Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Suppression Files

| Matthew Morton

You don’t always know why your customers want you to stop mailing them. And even if the customer tells you, it may not be on file. Or maybe a data entry error made you think the customer doesn’t want your message. Click here to find out why you therefore should not run “Do Not Mail” names through NCOA.

Should You Cut Circulation or Printing Paper and Postage?

| Jim Coogan

With the massive postage increase that took affect this past May, catalogers must decide where to cut their budgets to preserve profitability. Most catalogers contemplate cutting circulation, printing, paper, and postage. Jim Coogan offers advice that can keep you from cutting circulation.

Turbocharge your e-mail campaign

| MCM staff

Online customers are constantly leaving behind clues about themselves. It’s up to marketers to put these clues together and use the information to better target customers and improve the effectiveness of e-mail campaigns. Behavioral data can help you do that.Behavioral data is usually a result of actions customers have taken–or not taken–when interacting with your brand through one of its channels. The challenge is turning that information into a true understanding of what your customers need and want. This allows you to send more timely and relevant messages to your existing database, as well as target prospects with the same characteristics.For this special report from Multichannel Merchant, we spoke with several experts to find out how to use behavioral data successfully. Perhaps the most compelling reason to embrace the concept: A study by JupiterResearch revealed that only 13% of marketers are using targeted e-mail campaigns based on a customer’s purchase history or click-stream activity. So any marketer who does take the time to decipher clues and send out targeted e-mails is more likely than the competition to solve the mystery of what customers want-and land the sale.