Sometimes One More Mailing Can Be Too Many

| Todd Miller

To prepare for peak season, Lenser recommends that highly seasonal businesses maximize the number of contacts to the house file, mailing separately versioned catalogs every four weeks and perhaps even every three weeks. But one of its clients, a multichannel school supply retailer, bucked the trend during back-to-school 2006.

Using Finite State Machines to Manage Customer Relations

| David King

Response rates have fallen in many areas as technology has made it easier to blast out more campaigns with little regard for long-term effects. But database marketing technology is finally catching up to the real-world need to manage customer relationships over time. One of the latest advances for marketers is the use of finite state machines.

Orphan mail

| Tim Parry

It sounds like something out of Alice in Wonderland. Merchants, so desperate for relief on the postal front, now have to stop mailing some good customers


| MCM staff

New lists Telecom and Wireless Trade Magazine Subscribers Netline Corp. offers seven new subscriber files sourced from its division. One

Catalog mail slows to a crawl

| Tim Parry

June is generally a slow month for catalogers, but this year Catalog Tracker saw it as even slower than usual. Perhaps it’s a sign of tighter mailings as a result of the May postal increase, but the service of Direct Media had just 234 catalogs in its mailbox, down from 265 in June 2006, and from 281 in June 2005.

How to Improve Your Prospecting Efforts

| MCM staff

Getting a handle on important Web metrics can help improve site performance. For this special report from Multichannel Merchant, we spoke with several experts to find out what’s behind the Website numbers so you can improve them–or at least halt a downward slide. Our pros provide insight on which numbers are important, how to track problems, and ways to figure out what’s causing changes. Understanding what’s behind the numbers can ultimately help you reduce abandonment and boost conversion rates.