Vacant Selects Could Produce Customers

| Tim Parry

A “vacant” address does not always mean no one is doing business there. Many factors come into play with the U.S. Postal Service’s vacant designation, so mailing to addresses on that list can be beneficial in business-to-business mailings.

Try a Zip Model to Increase Performance

| Travis Seaton

Every single direct marketer should be testing a zip model, either for selection or suppression, to increase performance of their prospecting. Research done by Lenser showed that the 80/20 rule can run as high as 80/30 with the right zip model.

Deciphering E-mail Deliverability

| Dave Lewis

E-mail deliverability is no mystery, and it’s totally understandable and manageable with the tools and data that a smart bounce management system can provide.

Implement C-RFM to Suppress Keyword-Originated Buyers

| Bill Nicolai

With sponsored keywords and natural search playing a large role in Web sales, you need to include channel of origin when talking about your customer’s recency, frequency, and monetary value. So if you’re looking to cut back on your circulation, you may want to suppress these less-loyal customers.

With NCOA, It’s OK To Procrastinate

| Tim Parry

How close to your mail date do you run your lists against the U.S. Postal Service’s National Change of Address (NCOA) file? You may want to wait even longer. Find out why Jim Leone thinks procrastination is key to a better mailing.