List and Data Strategies: Spring-Clean Those House Files!

| Tim Parry

Catalogers could never afford to waste paper and postage mailing to old or incorrect addresses; with the new postal changes, keeping your list as clean as possible is more important than ever. And once the Postal Service’s stricter address standardization rules go into effect in August, unkempt lists will be even more costly.


| MCM staff

New lists Eastern Mountain Sports Catalog Buyers A retailer of outdoor gear and apparel, Eastern Mountain Sports recently launched a catalog, which has

Going Solo: Postcards and Solo Mailings

| Jim Tierney

As catalogers struggle to deal with the new postal rates, there’s been a lot of talk about reduction: Many mailers plan to offset costs by reducing trim size, circulation, and page counts. But the rate hike may inspire one type of increase

Co-op Databases Step Up Modeling

| Jim Coogan

The co-operative databases have sharpened up their modeling with a new generation of models for catalogers. New modeling initiatives from the co-ops are capable of producing better response and bigger list universes for catalogers.