Women’s Apparel Names Shrink

| Patrick Barnard

The Women’s Apparel Catalog Market universe decreased 4.2%, or 1.4 million names, in the past year. According to list brokerage services firm ParadyszMatera,

With Data, Do It Right From the Start

| Justin Jackson

Moving data from one layout to another is mostly a manual process, dependent on human examination of the layout generated from the source of the list. But even the cleanest files have instances where data doesn’t match the layout exactly

How to Woo Back Former Customers

| Shari Altman

Getting lapsed customers back is simple in theory but challenging in execution and requires understanding the group’s unique characteristics. Here’s some steps you can take to reactivate them

Social Network Advertising Can Bring In Targeted Leads

| Tim Parry

Facebook. You can use it to find long-lost friends, and you can use it to find targeted leads. Before you say it’s not at all possible, read what Brian Rice of Red Clay Media had to say about prospecting in a social media environment last week at NCDM

Avoid the Batch and Blast E-mail Mentality

| Tim Parry

Still batching and blasting e-mails to your entire customer list? Boy, we hope not. Last week at NCDM, Roy Wollen discussed the bad things that could happen if you aren’t segmenting your e-mail files and getting your message to the right target