ecommerce brands street sign feature

Ecommerce Brands: Conquering the 2021 Holidays

| Darwin Liu

Like so many things in 2021, Black Friday and other holidays are changing continuously. That is why we identified six tips that every ecommerce marketer should know in order to focus brand energy in the right places and win the holiday shopping season. 

“No Results Found”: Addressing the Site Search Dead End Dilemma

| Dori Salisbury

If an eager shopper comes to your website with a product in mind and high purchase intent, but then hits a “no results found” page, at best they’ll attempt a couple of variations of the term before bailing and heading to a competitor. To avoid this bad scenario, here are some tips to quickly redirect shoppers and give them options.

Amazon sellers marketplace image feature

6 Tips for Thriving in a Saturated Amazon Marketplace

| Kunal Chopra

Amazon is the world’s most valuable brand, with an estimated 38% of U.S. ecommerce sales, forcing business owners to create a brand presence there. Unfortunately that popularity makes it harder to capture consumers’ attention. These 6 tips will help marketers grow your company’s ecommerce business on Amazon’s marketplace. 

3 Key Online Strategies for Cyber Week II

| David Feinleib

Brands work all summer and fall to prepare for the holiday season, but their work isn’t done when Christmas is over. There is a second major wave of holiday shopping to prepare for: Cyber Week II, which starts on Christmas Day and the week after. Here are three online strategies to achieve success during Cyber Week II.