BPO Adaptability: Boardroom Buzzword or Competitive Advantage?

| Julie Casteel

As competition within the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry mounts, organizations have increased options when selecting an appropriate provider for your contact center. This enables them to look beyond traditional factors to determine how successful a potential relationship will be. One of the most important elements these companies should consider is a BPO provider

Having His Say: Steamed About Second Hand Equipment

| MCM staff

There was an article in The O+F Advisor titled ‘Caveats of Buying Second Hand Equipment’ by Robert Babel dated January 24, 2007. I have many problems with this article because so many statements in it just don’t ring true to me.

What’s New in Portable Terminals and Scanners

| Sam Flanders

Portable terminals and scanners have been used in the warehouse in some form since the 1970s. Each year we see improvements in the technology in the areas of size, performance, and battery life. Radio-frequency (RF) technology has finally matured to the point where it is both economical and highly reliable. And now, in addition to terminals and scanners, voice technology has come into the mainstream. Let

The Skinny on Space Utilization

| Jerry Vink

Finding room in the distribution center for product and necessary processes often ends up being a game of Tetris. Ineffectively placed pieces decrease your time to react, space starts getting tight, and placing new pieces becomes a challenge.

Four Questions to Ask a 3PL Provider

| Stephen Olds

A general once said, “Amateurs talk about tactics, but professionals study logistics.” While this is no doubt true in combat, it would be fairer and more accurate to say that, in business, successful firms focus on their core mission and leave logistics to professionals. That