Best Buy Having a Bad Week

| Tim Parry

Best Buy may have pulled Richard Schulz’s offer to but it back and take it private off the tabel, and announced Hubert Joly as its new president and CEO. But Best Buy also said it does not intend to further provide or update earnings guidance for fiscal 2013, and that is not sitting well with Wall Street.

The Customer Experience No Longer Ends at Checkout

| MCM staff

Consumers are most satisfied with the checkout process, the variety of products or brands offered and the ability to track their purchases. Online shoppers are least satisfied with the flexibility to choose a delivery date, rerouting packages and the hassle of returning or exchanging unwanted items.

Growing Your Business: Spin-off or Start-up?

| MCM staff

Spin-offs and start-ups can be growth opportunities for companies with strong core businesses because they create new revenue streams. Question is, when should you consider developing a spin-off, and when should you consider a start-up?