RISK MANAGEMENT: Hedging paper bets
Locking in paper prices with a third party can stabilize costsAnyone remember the 50%-plus paper price increases of 1994-95? Catalogers Miles Kimball
Locking in paper prices with a third party can stabilize costsAnyone remember the 50%-plus paper price increases of 1994-95? Catalogers Miles Kimball
Tips to help you get more from the site registration processMany Websites gather user information such as name, e-mail, and shipping address during the
Many catalogers are touting gifts and accessories designed to commemorate the New Year, from Y2K survival kits to year 2000 champagne flutes. But for
Girls’ apparel title thrives under new parent Delia’sWhat are the chances of survival for a catalog whose corporate parent filed Chapter 11, stopped mailing
Every legitimate catalog company positions itself along a continuum of customer service, either by conscious effort or as a result of countless unplanned
When should I use lifestyle photography rather than product photography?Estin B. Kiger: “Lifestyle” is one of those elusive terms that means something
Although pick-to-light warehouse technology has been around for 20 years, it has only recently taken off among catalogers, thanks largely to software
The next challenge for b-to-ber’s CEOWhoever dusts the cluttered office of Stan Bergman, CEO of healthcare supplies cataloger Henry Schein, should probably
Fall sales reports point to a green holiday seasonHeading into the holiday season, a number of catalogers have cut back on prospecting in favor of mailing
To cater to every form of four-wheeled transport, the cataloger built a new high-performance product databaseWith more than 200,000 SKUs and growing,