Engaging Customers on all Channels

| Stijn Hendrikse

Missing any customer contact, or responding too slowly, often results in lost sales and revenues. Here’s how omnichannel merchants can better manage inbound customer requests from multiple engagement channels.

Canada, Australia Top Choices for Cross-Border Ecommerce

| Mike O'Brien

Canada (84%) and Australia (54%) are the top choices for cross-border ecommerce, followed by Japan and New Zealand (39% each), according to the results of Multichannel Merchant’s MCM Outlook 2014. Here’s why U.S.-based merchants are high on doing business in those countries.

eBay: 79% of Global Shoppers Prefer PayPal

| Tim Parry

PayPal’s global business generated $986 million in revenue in the second quarter, and international revenue grew at a rate of 19% year over year. Here’s a look at what’s sparked the 11th consecutive quarter of global growth for PayPal.

holiday shopping, peak holiday season, holiday shipping, holiday shipping peak, ecommerce orders

How To Survive The Holiday Season: Become Your Customer’s Best Friend

| Jay Henderson

Last holiday season, online retailers focused on streamlining the shopping experience so consumers could more easily find what they were looking for. So how can retailers build on this momentum? By taking the customer relationship one step further and getting inside the customer’s inner circle of trust as one of their “best friend brands.”

Holiday Planning: Easy as a Day at the Beach

| Jim Davidson

It can be a struggle for ecommerce marketers to simply start your holiday planning, especially when you are likely more focused on trying to squeeze in one more trip to the beach. The fact is, you need to start your holiday planning now.