IBM Predicts an Omnichannel Shopping World

| Tim Parry

In five years, new innovations will make buying local du jour once again, according to IBM’s 8th-annual IBM 5 in 5 list of innovations that have the potential to change the way people work, live and interact during the next five years. Here’s why IBM predicts the decline of ecommerce and the rebirth of the in-store shopping experience.

Ecommerce & Marketing Trends: What Retailers Need to Know Now for 2014

| Ed Braswell

As we wrap up another year, merchants are now looking into what they can expect for 2014 in the ecommerce world. This article will look back at what was hot in 2013, and what merchants should focus on moving into 2014, including creating targeted, personalized and seamless shopping experience for consumers.

EMV, card not present, CNP fraud, ecommerce fraud, ecommerce fraud prevention, chip-and-pin, chip and pin, ecommerce security, payment security

There’s Nothing Friendly About Chargeback Fraud

| Monica Eaton

Fraud is one of the most common reasons cardholders file a chargeback. But within the category of fraud is a concept quite troubling – friendly fraud. Referred to as chargeback fraud or cyber shoplifting, this type of chargeback is difficult to detect and prevent.

5 Tips on Creating Holiday Ready Customer Service

| Dennis Casey

With the holiday shopping season in full swing, merchants are looking to boost holiday sales this year. However, business could ultimately suffer if customer service is not up to par. Here are five tips that will lead to not only exceptional customer service across all channels but also a happy customer.