Taking a shine to gay lists

| Jane Zarem

Mainstream direct marketers are increasingly tapping gay-community lists, and with good reason: Consumers identified as part of the gay market tend to

New Lists

| MCM staff

ROCK ‘N’ ROLL COLLECTORS The 52,931 Vroom catalog buyers, 58% of whom are women, spend an average of $70 per order on collectible and licensed products

Color me accurate

| Shannon Oberndorf

According to a 1998 study from research firm Cyber Dialogue, 76% of frequent Web surfers felt that “seeing exact color of the product you’re shopping

Fine-tuning fulfillment

| Paul Miller

Unlike their consumer brethren, which typically offer fewer products, many business-to-business mailers stock and sell tens of thousands of SKUs. Moreover,

Feel-good ordering

| Liz Kislik

No matter how well targeted your mailing lists, how inviting your photography, or how compelling your product descriptions, you can lose sales if customers

Brylane’s joie de vivre marriage

| Paul Miller

Brylane, a $1.3 billion-plus mailer of 11 catalogs, is gearing up for a good time as a subsidiary of the privately held French cataloger/retailer Pinault-Printemps-Redoute

Soft on service lines

| Mark Del Franco

The catalog industry prides itself on superior customer service, but when it comes to staffing a separate telephone line for service, many catalogers

Buy American with new catalog

| Moira Pascale

Americans aren’t the only consumers to value a “made in the USA” label on their products. Lenexa, KS-based Smith-Dale, a wholesaler of U.S.-made handcrafted

Coldwater Cools Off

| Shannon Oberndorf

For three years, apparel and gifts cataloger Coldwater Creek was hot. Sales grew an average of 60% a year, from $76 million in 1995 to $247 million for