Chatworth Hall

| Barbara Arnn

Chat technology is here to stay, no more a despised stepchild of technology, cast out to languish on the barren moors of indifference. Online chat will


| Bennett Voyles

When the buzz about collaborative commerce began a few years back, it sounded like a winner: Retailers and vendors would use the Web to forecast better

Pick One

| Ron Hounsell

Once you have developed RFPs for a software solution, sent them to the leading candidates, and gotten them back, the hardest work, making a choice, begins.

Two by Two

| Jeff Siegel

One company designs and manufactures auto parts. Two more are in the book business. A third and a fourth sell off others’ excess inventory. What they


| Frank W. Renshaw, P.E.

The science of site selection is all about making sure you’re in the right place at the right time. Selecting a distribution center site is one of the

Visions of Sugarplums

| Rama Ramaswami

Wish fulfillment? That could be what your operation desperately needs this holiday season. According to retail analyst Ken Cassar of Jupiter Media Metrix,

New Design, Old Punch

| MCM staff

Traditionally, the end of the year is a time for wrap-ups, but I think you’ll forgive Operations & Fulfillment if we skip looking back at the painful

Lipstick on a Pig

| Bill Kuipers

Although the costs of an inaccurate inventory can be immense, they are also difficult to quantify. And in all too many cases, making the effort of cycle

Pay as You Go

| Ernie Schell

OrderMotion from Transaction Smartware Inc. is a fully functional order management system with essential inventory management and fulfillment capabilities.