How Vineyard Vines Uses Data to Become a Customer-Centric Brand

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MCM CommerceChat podcast

Utilizing newly revealed data has enabled Vineyard Vines to put the customer first and uncover how it interacts in different channels.

“Customers don’t just shop in brick-and-mortar or online, there is an interconnectivity there that we didn’t have a full appreciation for,” said Chris Fitzpatrick, vice president of business analytics and strategy at Vineyard Vines. “To be able extrapolate out of that a better understanding of how the shopper is gauging across channels, what their buying behavior looked like and how that was changing the growth in our business.”

Vineyard Vines worked with CCG Analytics Solutions & Services to unveil to get a better view of the customer through its data.

Fitzpatrick said prior to working with CCG Analytics, the challenge Vineyard Vines faced was not having a toolset, system or environment that allowed the brand to understand what was going on in the business in a much more customer-centric way.

“Not being able to understand in a clear manner how our customers were behaving, what things they liked or disliked and how different events or different marketing campaigns we were running were supporting our ability to grow the business and engaging our customer,” said Fitzpatrick.

In the latest MCM CommerceChat podcast, Fitzpatrick talks further on the topic with Dan Rodriguez, Chief Product & Strategy Officer at CCG Analytics Solutions & Services.

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