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MCM CommerceChat podcast

How Improved Its Shopping Cart Conversion Rate

The shopping cart is a key component in the overall customer journey yet online retailers continue to lose millions in sales to cart abandonment. In our latest MCM CommerceChat podcast, Amitai Sasson, Vice President of Marketing and Development for, talks about how his company did a complete overhaul of its shopping cart page to improve conversion rates.

MCM CommerceChat podcast

How Lane Bryant Puts the Customer First at Every Touchpoint

Putting the customer at the center of everything a brand does is vital to success in retail and ecommerce. In the latest MCMCommerceChat podcast, Bruce Pullens, Director of Customer Strategy and Insights for Lane Bryant, discusses why a customer-centric approach is critical and what it looks like within his company. Listen to what Pullens has to say about how retailers can achieve this.

MCM CommerceChat podcast

A Snapshot of How Merchants Are Doing in Post-Purchase

In the latest MCM CommerceChat podcast, Manish Chowdhary, CEO of Pulse Commerce, discusses the company’s recent study that tracked live orders of leading merchants and analyzed 50,000+ purchase path data points. Learn what these results mean in terms of addressing the post-purchase performance gap.

MCM CommerceChat podcast

Abercrombie & Fitch on Omnichannel Order Sourcing Best Practices

In an omnichannel world where fulfillment has become an increasingly complex proposition, order sourcing is a critical success factor for any merchant organization. Alex Volakis, senior omnichannel strategy analyst with Abercrombie & Fitch, provides key insights into the tools, processes and practices that help the company optimize its sourcing strategy in the latest MCM CommerceChat podcast.

MCM CommerceChat podcast

How to Effectively Tackle Cross-Channel Customer Centricity

In our monthly MCM CommerceChat podcast, Angie Stocklin of One Click Ventures discusses how to provide a consistent customer experience across every touchpoint to foster true customer centricity. Angie will be speaking on this topic at the seventh annual Ecommerce Operations Summit 2018, April 3-5 in Columbus, OH, in a session entitled “It Should All Look the Same: Creating True Cross-Channel Customer Centricity.”

MCM CommerceChat podcast

Learn About Trends in E-Fulfillment Robotics in First MCM CommerceChat Podcast

The editors of Multichannel Merchant are excited to announce the launch of our new monthly podcast series, MCM CommerceChat! In the first installment, Chris Elliott, managing consultant with Blue Horseshoe and a noted supply chain automation expert, talks about trends in fulfillment robotics and where the technology is headed.

Interested in sponsoring an upcoming MCM CommerceChat podcast episode? Find out how by contacting William Camaraza at 954-389-1442 today.