The 3 Most Important Components for Selecting a 3PL Partner

| Daniela Forte

Location, technology and scalability are the three most important components when Karmaloop selects a third-party logistics partner. Renatta Hosein-Bishop, Inbound & Merchandising Operations Manager for Karmaloop will be talking about the “Best Practices in the Search & Selection of a 3PL Partner” at the Operations Summit in April in Columbus, OH.

Join us for the 2013 Operations Summit Conference

| MCM staff

Direct-to-customer merchandise sales are skyrocketing. Whether you sell to consumers or businesses, your direct-to-customer sales will be a crucial part of future growth and strategy. Which is why we are inviting you to attend the only conference exclusively about ecommerce and catalog operations & fulfillment: the 2013 Operations Summit.

Why Warehouse Automation Leads to Better Labor Conditions

| Bill Leber

As fulfillment center workers age, excessive bending and stretching can lead to higher rates of injury and associated workman’s compensation expense. In addition, fatigued workers are less efficient and more prone to error. As ecommerce demand grows, companies should consider automated storage and retrieval and goods-to-person technologies to accommodate fulfillment needs and simultaneously improve workers’ quality of life.

Neiman Marcus Goes Global with FiftyOne

| Jim Tierney

Luxury retailer Neiman Marcus has extended its ecommerce reach to more than 100 countries, thanks to a partnership with FiftyOne Global Ecommerce. John Koryl, president of Neiman Marcus Direct, said the partnership with FiftyOne allows Neiman Marcus to

Retailers Need to Understand International Shipping

| Erin Lynch

Even though several U.S.-based retailers are getting into shipping products internationally, in order to see an increase in revenue, retailers need to stay up-to-speed on the marketing, shipping protocols, and what their customers want.