IoT in the Supply Chain to be Covered at Ecommerce Operations Summit

Innovation around the Internet of Things (IoT) is advancing by leaps and bounds, enabling data sharing among millions of devices and tagged items that provides a level of real-time visibility and traceability previously unheard of.

For example, IoT along with artificial intelligence is enabling so-called demand-aware fulfillment centers that access data flowing in from connected devices to monitor stock levels in real time. This enables workers to identify and replenish fast-moving goods, avoiding stock-outs and unhappy customers.

While the technology may seem out of reach for many, new advances are bringing IoT-enabled applications for the supply chain much closer to the realm of the possible. A session at Ecommerce Operations Summit 2020 will explore this topic in depth, led by two experts in the field: O.P. Skaaksrud, Managing Director, Operations Technology Innovation at FedEx Services, and Nandakishor Basavanthappa, Principal Program Manager, Azure IoT for Microsoft.

Skaaksrud and Basavanthappa will discuss the latest advances in IoT, specific use cases and results within their organizations and extended ecosystems, and how IoT becoming a disruptive, transformative technology for retail and ecommerce operations in the near term.

“When we talk about where we are and where we’ve been, we’re really at the Internet of Things 2.0,” Skaaksrud said. “IoT has been around a long time, much like the internet was for years before hyperlinking and the web browser enabled an incredible growth in user applications and value creation. A parallel is now happening with IoT 2.0, where the building blocks of technology driving ever more capable smartphones and devices are also unlocking new capabilities for IoT. At FedEx we’re leveraging this technology wave to take operational and shipment visibility to the next level.”

Basavanthappa said Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing unit is working with customers and partners in retail, logistics and supply chain to develop IoT-focused solutions and applications that make a real difference.

“We’re enabling partner and customer networks to make it a reality,” he said. “It’s more than just tracking inventory – it’s about creating end-to-end supply chain visibility, before an item even begins its journey, and how that changes the engagement with the customer. It’s not just pie in the sky, it’s happening now.”

You can learn more about this session and many other informative topics being covered at Ecommerce Operations Summit by viewing the full agenda here. During the month of February, register at discounted rates and bring a colleague for just $99, by using the code “LEAPYEAR” at registration.

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