Consumer Merchants See Slower Recovery

| Jim Tierney

While the Business-to-Business and Computers Merchants Celebrated a Super Second Quarter, their consumer counterparts did not fare quite as well. Only

Baby steps toward brand innovation

| MCM staff

Remember the truth-or-dare games you played in grade school: I dare you to leave a note in Eddie’s locker! or I dare you to call Bobby’s house! Those

Urban Outfitters CEO on Business, Brands and Blogs

| Melissa Dowling

Lifestyle apparel and home decor merchant Urban Outfitters seems to do everything right. But like many multichannel, multititle retailers, Urban Outfitters has struggled with channel competition.

Cross Channel Merchant of the Year

| MCM staff

Since 1912, L.L. Bean has built a reputation as a catalog legend. But the outdoor gear, apparel and home goods merchant has also embraced e-commerce with gusto and opened several bricks-and-mortar stores

How to Design E-mail

| Sherry Chiger

Pretty is as pretty does: In e-mail marketing, that means messages where the creative works to improve response rather than being attractive solely for

Merchants Hope for Back-to-School Rebound

| Tim Parry

The average U.S. family is expected to spend 10.5% more during the 2010 back-to-school shopping season than they did last year, according to the National Retail Federation

MCM 100: The List is In

| Melissa Dowling

The Largest Multichannel Merchant companies got a little smaller in 2009. No real surprise, given that it was one of the worst retail years on record,

L.L. Bean, Musician’s Friend Take Top 2010 MCM Awards

| MCM staff

L.L. Bean was named Catalog of the Year for 2010 and Musician’s Friend earned the Website of the Year honors in the 25th Annual Multichannel Merchant Awards. L.L. Bean also took the Cross Channel Merchant of the Year honors, it was announced during a …