Shipping Promotions Major 2013 Holiday Focus

| Erin Lynch

A new study by Innotrac has found that the most popular types of promotions offered by merchants over the 2013 holiday season were shipping offers. In fact, 34% of all promotions offered in holiday 2013 were shipping related and the single most offered promotion during the holidays was free shipping.

70% of Merchants Expect Zero Growth on Black Friday and Cyber Monday

| MCM Staff

A recent survey of nearly 1,000 merchants has found that Black Friday and Cyber Monday might not be a major success in terms of sales for some retailers. In fact, according to the survey from Newtek Business Services, 70% believe their sales on Black Friday and Cyber Monday will remain unchanged compared to 2012 sales.

Shaky Consumer Confidence Could Affect Seasonal Hiring

| Erin Lynch

Even though merchants are gearing up for the additional hiring of seasonal employees this holiday, a new report has found that “shaky” consumer confidence and an increased in efficiencies in the retail space could prevent seasonal hiring from hitting the great heights it did in 2012.