Which is the Best One-Click Checkout Product?

| Jason Boyd

Having a one-click checkout provider for your online store just makes sense. Shoppers hate slogging through a long checkout process to get that bauble that caught their eye – and ecommerce merchants hate losing sales to abandoned shopping carts. But are they truly one click, and how fast? We put the platforms through their paces.

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In An Era of Shortages, CX Matters More Than Ever

| David Fletcher

How can retailers keep problems outside their control from damaging customer relationships? Competing on customer experience (CX) is always smart, but right now it’s critical. Of course, the best CX is getting the products they want when they want them. But you can deliver excellent CX in other ways to maintain trust and goodwill.

GS1 QR code scan feature

GS1 Creates Readiness Kit for 2027 2D Barcode Adoption

| Mike O'Brien

Supply chain standards body GS1 has released a readiness test kit to help retailers, brands and manufacturers and solution providers prepare for a 2027 transition to data-rich 2D barcodes. While some retailers have balked at the transition cost of upgrading POS hardware and software, GSI said most are onboard with the program.

payment processes

Enhanced Payment Processes Improve Customer Loyalty

| Andy Orrock

With online and store checkout being such a vital part of the overall customer experience, prioritize enhancing your payment processes to ensure a smooth and frictionless journey. This leads to lower online cart abandonment rates, larger basket sizes, higher retention rates and more revenue. Here three critical elements to include.

Subscription Programs: From Transactions to Relationships

| Greg Alvo

One strategy to build effective customer relationships is to integrate subscription programs into an ecommerce offering. Providing clear, consistent communication and establishing demonstrates you truly know your customer. And personalization, convenience and cost savings creates an affinity for your brand and authentic connections.

Returning Shoppers and Blended Expectations

| Ofer Fryman

With omnichannel shoppers being more loyal and more eager to spend, mending fragmented experiences is crucial. It’s clearly time to ensure your store experience is on par with digital. But with so many possibilities from contactless checkout to improved app experiences, knowing where to start is a challenge. Here are some tips.

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A History of Barcodes, and Looking Ahead

| Gabe Grifoni

A little over 50 years ago, retail leaders came together and transformed the global economy forever by developing the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN), a numerical code uniquely identifying every single product and the core of the barcode. Here’s a bit of the history of the barcode, and where the technology is going.

Scan & Go Delivers Where Self-Checkout Disappoints

| Lukas Kinigadner

Retail has changed more in the past year than in the previous decade. The pandemic has accelerated ecommerce and online options, out of necessity. Now, shoppers have more choices than ever, resulting in new demands for their desired in-store experiences, like scan & go. Here’s how it’s a win for retailer and shopper.

4 Ways Ecommerce Brands Can Drive Engagement, Sales

| Chemi Katz

With online trends set to outlive the pandemic itself, ecommerce brands are reckoning with an increasingly competitive online landscape in which consumers are more than willing to change their brand loyalties if it means a better customer journey. Here are four ways to drive sales and engagement in the current environment.

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5 Ways to Improve the Mobile Payment Experience

| William Dawsey

Mobile payment has never been more important, with an estimated 70% of all ecommerce sales to come from it by 2022. However, just implementing that option isn’t enough. It’s crucial to make the mobile payment experience as seamless as possible. Here are 5 of the most effective ways to improve the mobile payment experience.