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Inventory Management in Challenging Times

| Mike O'Brien

The strategy behind inventory management in ecommerce and retail, difficult in the best of times, has gotten even trickier as inflation continues to dog the economy in the latter stages of Q2, supply chain issues linger and costs rise. Until the bigger picture begins to brighten, finding every avenue of cost savings is the order of the day.

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The Real Supply Chain New Normal

| JP Wiggins

There’s just no going back to the “before” supply chain. Future generations will likely forget the lessons of the early 2020’s and make the same mistakes, but for now we’ll contend with the “new normal.” This dynamic state of affairs is going be with us for the foreseeable future. Here are 5 trends to look out for as we move forward.

New GS1 RFID Guideline, Explained

| Mike O'Brien

Standards body GS1 US has published a new guideline retailers can use to leverage its Electronic Product Code (EPC)-based RFID technology. It supports claims compliance and is designed to improve inventory accuracy and supply chain visibility. Jonathan Gregory, director of community engagement with GS1 US, explains.

5 Ways to Beat the Supply Chain Crisis

| Mark Hook

You may have heard there’s a global supply chain crisis. The good news is that retailers that proactively take the right steps to deal with it can not only survive but thrive. After all, when supply chain management is effective, it is proven to lower a company’s overall costs and boost profitability. Here are 5 ways brands can beat the crisis.

Supply Chain Insights Create Revenue Enhancement

| Patrick Long

Classic revenue enhancement is defined as selling the right product to the right customer at the right moment and the right price via the right distribution channel with the best efficiency. Let’s explore the importance of incorporating revenue management into a continuous business improvement cycle for the supply chain.

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6 Steps to Change Management in an Ecommerce Startup

| Tim Ferguson

Change presents a challenging environment for ecommerce startups, especially in terms of stability. They operate at a bleeding edge of innovation, making it more challenging for them to accommodate change. Regardless of how prepared you are, it’s critical to understand how to go about change management in your business.

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8fig Helps Ecommerce Sellers Flex Inventory Spend

| Mike O'Brien

8fig, an innovative fintech startup, is creating a new way for ecommerce sellers to obtain financing as they go for inventory purchases, based on sales history and projected performance, has raised of $50 million in new funding to accelerate growth and expand its lending capabilities.

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Walmart Q3 Ecommerce Sales Up 8%, Says Holiday Prep in Good Place

| Mike O'Brien

Walmart reported its ecommerce sales in the U.S. increased 8% in the third quarter, and have gained a total of 87% since the same period in 2019, an incredible jump since pre-pandemic days as the retail giant continues to expand digitally, while declaring itself ready for the holidays.

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Leveraging Tech to Navigate the Great Holiday Shortage

| Gareth Smith

To minimize the impact of the great holiday shortage of 2021, retailers need to leverage innovative technologies and their insights to help navigate supply chain disruptions and reduce the risk of driving customers away now and into 2022. Here are some critical ways technology can help mitigate the pain of out of stocks.

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Inventory Management Gets Trickier As Forces Collide

| Mike O'Brien

Given massive, lingering supply chain roadblocks, carrier capacity limits and labor shortages, inventory management has gotten trickier for retailers, especially as the critical Q4 approaches. This special report from Multichannel Merchant looks at ways retailers are rethinking their inventory approach to buffer against shocks.