Make Testing Dollars Go Further

| Shari Altman

Integrating your testing program into a cohesive multichannel plan can inform and improve your entire direct response program. Find out how you can maximize your testing dollars

Take the Systematic Approach to E-mail Testing

| Ben Ardito

Systematic testing is essential to determining how well e-mail is resonating with recipients and gathering more data that can help craft campaigns and fine-tune messages to drive even greater relevance. The question of course is who to test, and why

Five Ways to Differentiate Your Brand This Holiday Season

| Chip House

The holidays aren’t shaping up to be merry for retailers. Many have already responded by slashing prices and starting inventory clearance sales early. So how do you make your store stand above the rest this holiday season? Here’s five ideas

Even in Tough Economic Times, You Need to Test

| MCM staff

In tough economic times, there’s a great temptation to offer deep discounts or free shipping as incentives to order. Here’s why it’s always good practice to make sure there is a control group so you can accurately measure the incremental value of the offer