Maximize Marketing Dollars While Building Customer Relationships

| Denise Hopkins

Harnessing the power of consumer data requires making sound judgments about your data choices. When you understand what a data source is likely to deliver, and how to best combine data options, you can test and invest in information that is most appropriate and effective for your applications.

Using a Zip Model for Retail Store Drivers

| Anna-Lisa Ulbrich

Zip modeling can be used as a prospecting technique – you order lists or models with your highest penetrated zip tiers as a select. It can also be used as a suppression method on your house file by purposefully not mailing your lowest penetrated zip tiers on older, low-frequency, low-dollar buyer segments.

‘Tis the Season to Keep Remailing

| Tim Parry

Does the increase in postal rates mean you should cut back on your holiday remails? Nonsense, says Geoff Batrouney executive vice president of New Rochelle, NY-based list firm Estee Marketing Group.

The Tale of the Great Schmoe Mailing

| Bill Nicolai

Great marketing professionals have lots of experience, and they get that experience by occasionally making mistakes. Here is one of those tales of woe: The Tale of the Great Schmoe Mailing. Names of the people and firms involved have been changed to protect the guilty.

The Loyalty Ecosystem

| Bryan Pearson

Given the advances in loyalty value propositions, database design and analytical techniques, these retailers have unprecedented opportunity to join with their partners in the packaged-goods industry to implement best-in-class enterprise customer-management programs

Are You A Hybrid? Check Your Database

| MCM staff

Think you know who you’re selling to? Check out your customer database. You may sell a consumer product, but may have a lot of business buyers. Find out if you’re a hybrid seller, and how you can adapt your contact strategies.

Fall Circ, Post-Postal Rate Hike

| Mark Del Franco

The May postal rate hike, coupled with an increase in paper costs, affected no two catalogers the same way. However, it did cause many to trim fall circulation numbers. Click here for first-hand stories from computer cataloger Computer Gear and automorive book Griot’s Garage.

August mailings take a tumble

| Tim Parry

Perhaps a sign that mailers were less than optimistic about fall, catalog mailings dropped 33%. Just 236 catalogs were received by Catalog Tracker in August. While that is 30 more books than July, it’s down considerably from the 349 catalogs the Greenwich, CT-based list firm received in August 2006.