How to Spot Hot Prospecting Lists

| Bill Singleton

Looking for good prospecting lists? There are two ways to find them. The most common method is to test outside files and use the one that works. The other is to identify and mail all the lists your customers are on.

What to Do If Postage Goes Up Again

| Diane Lucero

Brace yourself for more bad postal news. The U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors has announced a $5.4 billion loss, and this means direct marketers may face a 2008 rate hike of 20% or more. Here are five easy-to-implement tactics for dealing with this threat.

Five Must-Haves to Move Transactional E-mails

| MCM staff

According to a new white paper by e-mail marketer ExactTarget, no other message is as personal, relevant, and anticipated as a transactional e-mail. But most merchants have little or no visibility into the performance of transactional e-mails

Segmenting Multichannel Buyers

| Todd Miller

Until recently, many catalogers were segmenting their buyer files by order channel, not by channel of origin. But segmenting by channel of origin in increasingly popular for true multichannel merchants. Why? Click here for more.

Did July mailings go on holiday?

| Tim Parry

If the numbers reported by Catalog Tracker are any indication, catalogers are officially mailing less. In July, the service of Direct Media had just 206