Integrate Your Marketing Efforts

| MCM staff

Jim Coogan thinks great strides are being made by merchants to become truly multichannel. Still, marketers could be doing a better job using catalogs and Web strategies to drive business.

Plan For Reputation Impact in E-mail Segmentation

| Michael Greenberg

Sure, any marketer can send an e-mail to a prospect or a customer. But will it make it into the right inbox? Your inbox delivery is all about reputation these days. Here are a few tips on making sure yours is still golden in the eyes of ISPs.

Specialists Acquiring 21st Century Marketing

| MCM staff

At the Direct Marketing Association’s List Day event in New York on Aug. 2, Specialists Marketing Services president Lon Mandel said his companies would acquire two firms over the next 45 days. The first one was officially announced Wednesday.

Making the Most of Your Co-op Prospecting

| Michelle Farabaugh

With the postal increase now in effect, mailers are asking themselves how they can drive increased performance and possibly reduce circulation. One approach is effectively integrating your prospecting strategy with the cooperative databases.