Prospecting: To Mail or Not to Mail

| Travis Seaton

In order to effectively prospect, you typically need to decide not only who to mail, but also who not to mail. By bringing in only your top prospecting sources on the front end and then applying several suppression techniques on individual names, you are able to greatly increase the performance of your prospects. The end result is that your prospecting metrics will naturally increase and you reducing your overall costs by suppressing the non-performing names

When In Doubt, Go Back to Basics

| MCM staff

You mail a catalog to a name on your house file, and it gets returned as undeliverable, or you don’t hear from the customer again. And it’s not the first time this has happened with this name, which has proven to be a profitable buyer in the past.

Use the Co-ops to Flag and Drop Dormant Households

| Jim Coogan

Use your co-op databases to flag the households with zero purchasing activity in the last six months, nine months, or 12 months. The co-ops can profile your house file and identify those households that have had zero mail order transactions across all the members of the database.