What is Your Crystal Ball Telling You?

| Rene Jones

The future of your organization lies in the hands of your warehouse personnel. You probably did not want to hear that, and you most certainly do not believe it! But your warehouse knows your customers better than any other department in your organization.

A Peek at Holiday Order Picking

| Susan Rider

As the holidays approach and people turn their minds to gift buying, distribution centers plan to see business surges. This time of year makes you focus on the need to have your process in line so that temporary employees can get up to speed as quickly as possible. Since order picking in most facilities is where all the action is, it seems appropriate to spend some time in this area–where usually the greatest opportunities for improvement can be found.

Metrics: Do You Measure Up?

| Randall Brough

A metric-centric organization is one that has a comprehensive yet concise plan to capture, classify, and communicate important data elements, and more important, act upon it.

Rising Transportation Costs –and What To Do About Them

| Curt Barry

For most multichannel merchants, transportation of goods is the highest operational expense. Inbound freight costs for domestically sourced product typically range from 2%-4% of gross sales, while for imported product, inbound freight costs 6% to 12% of gross sales.

FedEx Express Rates to Rise 4.9%

| Tim Parry

FedEx Express announced at the end of October it would raise its net average shipping rate by 4.9%– the carrier’s largest increase in seven years. The rate hike is composed of a 6.9% increase in standard list rates offset by a 2% reduction in the fuel surcharge.

Fulfillment Doctor: The Real Cost of Employee Turnover

| Curt Barry

Turnover costs range from $3,000 to $10,000 in people time, training, testing, and the ramp-up to full production. This does not include expenses for agencies, ads, etc. which must be added on.

As you research your turnover rate, here are some points to consider.

The Software Center

| Ernie Schell

OrderMotion Teams with Channel Intelligence Software providers OrderMotion and Channel Intelligence have joined forces. OrderMotion specializes in on-demand order and customer management solutions for small and medium-sized merchants that sell direct to …