10 Steps in SKU Profiling

| MCM staff

For a long time, finding the most efficient method of storing and retrieving inventory in the warehouse was quite a challenge: SKU data was very difficult to gather and even more difficult to process. Now, however, technology has developed to the point that anyone with the right inventory tracking system and a PC can conduct at least a rudimentary analysis of their products.

8 Ways to Conquer Last-Minute Scheduling Dilemmas

| Bob Webb

Are you prepared for last minute changes that are sure to occur with agent scheduling? This is a universal problem that all centers face. It can be especially challenging for those without an automated solution for agent scheduling

Performing a Customer Communications Check-Up, Part 1

| Maggie Klenke

There is a customer-power revolution taking place. The pervasive use of the Internet has created a smarter, more buying-savvy customer. For example, J. D. Power reports that 70% of automobile buyers enter the dealer showroom already armed with specifications, invoice prices, and information on dealer margins and promotions. Travelers can go to the Web for travel deals from Expedia, Orbitz, and Travelocity, competing directly with the traditional travel agents and providers. Even healthcare information has resulted in better informed patients asking their physicians for specific treatments and prescriptions.

Building Your Battle Plan

| Sam Flanders

Many of you are asking yourself, “How can I make the biggest positive impact in 2007?” The options are endless. To help you determine where you should invest your own mental energy and the energy of your team, ask yourself some focused questions:

Four Steps in Selecting a Business System

| Curt Barry

Whether your company needs a commercially packaged warehouse management system, point of sales system, an inventory control system, a direct-to-customer order management system –or some combination of the aforementioned, selecting of the right system is a major undertaking.