Internet Society Report Points to Rapid Internet Growth in Africa

| MCM Staff

The report highlights steady adoption of this transformative technology since the introduction of the Internet to Africa in 1991, reaching just over 20% continent-wide. But these aggregate indicators mask glaring disparities in Internet development levels from country to country.

Newegg Unveils Major Improvements to its Marketplace

| MCM Staff

Recent international expansion into key parts of Europe and Asia greatly expand Newegg’s global reach, and important updates to the company’s Shipped by Newegg program announced today further cement Newegg’s Marketplace leadership.

Merchants Adjusting to Change in DIM Weight Pricing

| Tim Parry

The decision by UPS and FedEx to expand DIM weight pricing in January 2015 to parcels under three cubic feet was one of biggest changes to hit retail shippers in years. Here’s how dimensional weight pricing has forced shippers to rethink their entire approach to packaging and shipping, as millions of items that had been billed based on weight alone are now subject to a calculation based on weight and package dimensions.

back orders, Operations and Fulfillment, retail, omnichannel, ecommerce orders, ecommerce

The High Cost of Back Orders

| Curt Barry

While you may decide not to take back orders because of cost and hassle, consider what goes into those costs and how many sales you’re leaving on the table.