Amazon Expands Free Same-Day, Next-Day for Prime Members

| Mike O'Brien

Continuing in perpetual motion mode, Amazon has expanded the number of cities and towns offering free same-day and next-day delivery for Prime members from 5,000 to 8,000, while also leveraging its Best Buy acquisition and new bookstores in an all-out holiday season assault.

Walmart Increases Prices for Some Online Products

| Daniela Forte

Walmart started charging higher prices online than in store for some items, in an effort to offset shipping costs and drive more shoppers to its brick-and-mortar locations. See how Walmart will differentiate prices for both channels.

Singles Day 2017 Again Sets Record with $25.3B in GMV

| Mike O'Brien

Continuing to dwarf U.S. sales holidays and Prime Day, Alibaba’s Singles Day pulled in a record 168.2 billion yuan ($25.3 billion) in gross merchandise value (GMV) settled through the Alipay platform, up 39% from 120.7 billion yuan ($17.8 billion) in 2016. See what other staggering stats and figures came out of Singles Day.

Godiva Expands Its Ecommerce Reach Beyond Amazon

| Daniela Forte

Godiva is expanding its reach beyond selling on its own website and Amazon to grocery chains including Walmart, Target, Kroger, Publix, Walgreens, Costco, BJ’s and Albertsons. Here is how it is making its brand more available to the masses.

How Retailers Can Work Like Amazon

| Daphne Carmeli

The key is to work like Amazon rather than with them. Despite the retail giant’s head start, it has never been easier for companies to adopt 3rd party services and platforms that let them offer a service comparable to Amazon’s. Here is how retailers can set themselves apart in an Amazon world.

Toys ‘R’ Us Launches Online Marketplace

| Mike O'Brien

Toys ‘R’ Us announced it is launching an online marketplace in 2018, less than two weeks after declaring bankruptcy and saying it will keep its stores open through the process. The move makes Toys ‘R’ Us more competitive with eBay, where it has maintained an online store for more than a decade.

If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them: Online Marketplaces

| Ian Goldman

Retailers tend to view online marketplaces such as Amazon or Walmart as threats; however, savvier retailers are shifting their mindset and starting to look at these conglomerates more as opportunities. Here is what you need to know about selling on a marketplace.

m-commerce phone storefront feature

Why Would a Brand’s Website Not Sell Any Products?

| Tod Yazdi

There are many brands that have a robust site to interact with consumers, but then push the actual buying experience to another digital marketplace. Here is what you need to know about selling products on your own website.

Walmart Enters Voice Ordering Fray with Google Partnership

| Mike O'Brien

Walmart is jumping with both feet into voice-directed ordering through a partnership with Google that will let customers place voice orders through the Google Home system and have them fulfilled and delivered as part of the Google Express marketplace and delivery network. See what else the deal entails, and the one major way that Walmart has it all over Amazon’s Alexa.