If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them: Online Marketplaces

| Ian Goldman

Retailers tend to view online marketplaces such as Amazon or Walmart as threats; however, savvier retailers are shifting their mindset and starting to look at these conglomerates more as opportunities. Here is what you need to know about selling on a marketplace.

West Elm and Leesa Announce Partnership

| MCM staff

West Elm announces its partnership with Leesa mattresses. The Leesa brand will be in 80+ West Elm locations in the U.S. and online. See what initiatives the brand is putting in place with this new partnership.

The Cloud Enables Smooth Billing in Subscription Services

| Jean Lawrence

A major shift to “Everything as a Service” gives customers current versions of what they need, when they need it and at a predictable price. Subscription services also help businesses create recurring revenue streams, strengthen customer loyalty and provide differentiated offerings. Learn how cloud-based services are helping power the subscription boom.

Consumer Expectations Rise with Websites and Apps

| Daniela Forte

Today, consumers are more demanding when it comes to the way they expect a website or app to work. In fact, they will leave a site if it doesn’t meet their criteria. This infographic by Apica reveals what customers expect and what they will find disappointing when it comes to a website or app.