Standing Out in a Future of Seamless Payments

| Ed Whitehead

For an ecommerce business, seamless payments are vital. According to one study from Baymard, 18% of U.S. online shoppers have ditched their cart in the last three months due to long and complicated checkout processes.
Now is the time to improve seamless payments for your ecommerce business. Here are some tips to guide you.

ecommerce return fraud illustration

Avoiding Ecommerce Return Fraud This Holiday Season

| Yohanna Andom

Flexible returns policies increase customer confidence, especially for ecommerce purchases, which is why savvy marketers dedicate themselves to ensuring an easy process. However, this frictionless approach also opens the door to those looking to exploit it. Here’s how to deal with ecommerce return fraud this holiday season.

payment processes

Enhanced Payment Processes Improve Customer Loyalty

| Andy Orrock

With online and store checkout being such a vital part of the overall customer experience, prioritize enhancing your payment processes to ensure a smooth and frictionless journey. This leads to lower online cart abandonment rates, larger basket sizes, higher retention rates and more revenue. Here three critical elements to include.

Subscription Programs: From Transactions to Relationships

| Greg Alvo

One strategy to build effective customer relationships is to integrate subscription programs into an ecommerce offering. Providing clear, consistent communication and establishing demonstrates you truly know your customer. And personalization, convenience and cost savings creates an affinity for your brand and authentic connections.

Holiday Spending to Rise 10% But Cyber Weekend Growth Halved: Adobe

| Mike O'Brien

Adobe Digital Insights is predicting U.S. holiday spending online will rise 10% over 2020, hitting a record $207 billion, with global spending to reach $910 billion, an 11% increase, while calling for a decreased emphasis on traditionally major days during Cyber Weekend as demand pulls forward.

ecommerce search

Fashion Brands: Site Search Is Key to Success

| Hamish Ogilvy

Consumers don’t want to sift through pages of product listings; in fact, most aren’t looking to scroll past page two of the search results. Fashion brands and retailers that are best equipped for a fast-paced consumer are those who have enabled high-quality site search.

digital transformation

The Post Digital Transformation Age: Standing Out From Sameness

| Rajesh Midha

Advancements most brands have made during the pandemic brought the digital transformation era to a close. Now, we are swiftly entering the post-digital transformation age. Brands will need to do much more than simply provide interactions and interfaces if they are to lock in customer loyalty.

ecommerce technology

Is Automated Ecommerce Technology Sabotaging Your Business?

| Elaine Kwon

As brands increasingly focus on digital sales, they emphasize streamlining operations and automating logistics through ecommerce technology to effectively manage inventory systems, ad campaigns, etc. But software alone is not enough to guarantee positive outcomes, and when mismanaged, it can even do more harm than good.

Unprecedented 2.0: Holiday Retail Trends

| Lauren Cooley

With the pandemic lingering and most of us unsure of what “normal” looks like anymore, it’s a good time to consider what’s on tap for 2021 holiday shopping. Some themes remain from 2020 while a few new ones have emerged. Our best description of what to expect this time around? …let’s call it Unprecedented 2.0.