Marketers Recommend a Google+ Presence

| MCM staff

Are you ready to build your Google Plus page? On Monday, Google announced it had opened Google+ Pages, which had been available to businesses by invite only, to global brands worldwide. Marketers say Google+ will be good for the SEO benefits, and the intimacy of a smaller crowd.

Facebook: Engagement is More Important than “Likes”

| MCM staff

If you read the press releases, rankings and surveys and read the marketing emails, a seller or brand is judged by the number of “likes.” But Facebook marketers need to understand the value of social media: Quality is more important than quantity.

Study: Men More Likely to do Social Shopping

| Tim Parry

Contradicting commonly held beliefs about gender and social behaviors, the study showed men more frequently research product information, read reviews, compare products, find product availability and get store information via social networks, shopping and deal sites; while women reign supreme when searching for deals, coupons and specials on similar sites.

Video: Pinny Gniwisch on Social Commerce

| MCM staff founder Pinny Gniwisch spoke about social commerce at on Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2011. Gniwisch shared his thoughts about social commerce after the session with Multichannel Merchant senior writer Tim Parry.

Q&A: Dale Traxler Talks About Facebook Commerce

| MCM staff

The vendor community is singing the praises of Facebook stores, although studies suggest f-commerce is not in the best interest of merchants. But with the holiday season approaching, should online retailers invest in Facebook commerce? Multichannel Merchant senior writer Tim Parry caught up with Dale Trexler, owner of retail and wholesale jewelry supply seller Beaded Impressions, for his thoughts on Facebook Commerce.