Get ’em when they’re young

| MCM staff

How do you sell to kids and teens online when most don’t have credit cards?, a new online service, lets parents use Visa or MasterCard credit


| MCM staff

Reflecting the ever-growing importance of database marketing to the catalog industry, this year we’ve broken out a separate database marketing benchmark


| MCM staff

In “Here, or over there?” on p. 43 of our March 1 issue, we reported that Lands’ End’s sales from the U.K. were 40 million and its sales from Japan were

Cyber location shots

| MCM staff

Let’s face it: Not everyone has the deep pockets of a Saks Fifth Ave. or a Neiman Marcus to whisk models, photographers, and staff off to exotic locations

Breaking away from the pack

| Lois Boyle

Carving out and maintaining a niche in the catalog industry is becoming more difficult each year. To protect market share, several mailers have been beefing

Finding the newest new names

| Paul Miller

An ideal time for business-to-business catalogers to find customers is when companies start their businesses. But by the time most b-to-b mailers reach

Online list shopping update

| Jane Zarem

With the mach-speed changes occurring in Web delivery of information, it’s time to take another look at the list business online (see “Lists in space,”

The Seinfeld curse?

| MCM staff

As the industry awaits the fate of cataloger/retailer J. Peterman, which narrowly escaped bankruptcy liquidation in March (see story on p. 5), we have


| Moira Pascale

Jams and jellies manufacturer Smucker’s hasn’t peddled its wares directly to consumers since J.M. Smucker sold Apple Butter door-to-door in 1897. But