The State of the Ecommerce Facilities Services Industry

| MCM Staff

The State of the Ecommerce Facilities Services Industry Study analyzes how leading ecommerce companies are managing and improving their facilities, warehouses and logistics strategies and operations. It covers best practices and benchmarks in areas such as strategies, technology and innovation and operations and labor.

Building the Best Subscription Box for Your Customers

| Nicole Lee

Subscription boxes have grown in popularity, largely by offering a curated collection of items designed to delight recipients. With multiple components, however, order fulfillment can often be a complex, labor-intensive process. To ensure optimal efficiency and control costs, it is important to approach the kitting process strategically.

FedEx robot sort arm

FedEx Express Adds Robotic Arms to Help Handle Ecommerce Surge

| Mike O'Brien

This month, FedEx Express installed four robotic arms inside a sortation hub in its hometown of Memphis, in response to demands placed on its services in the midst of the massive pandemic-influenced surge in ecommerce orders. Yaskawa America supplied the robotic arms and Plus One provided the software system.

10 Steps to an Effective Ecommerce Fulfillment Center Move Plan

| Brian Barry

In developing an ecommerce fulfillment center move plan, it is helpful to understand some common problems other multichannel companies have encountered, including lack of a sufficiently detailed planning and budgeting process and inventory inaccuracy before and after. Following these 10 steps will help make your move a success.

A Logistics Evolution in DTC is Part of the New Normal

| Don White

To succeed in this new world of retail disruption and ever-shifting customer demands, smart brands are moving to a direct model. The benefits of DTC can be substantial but require a dramatic retooling of operations, from customer service to returns management, direct merchandising, direct delivery and warehousing and logistics.

Not Just Product Packaging: The Ecommerce-Environment Conflict

| Noah Rue

Ecommerce utilizes far too much product packaging, which adversely affects the environment. However, even if there was a marked reduction, the very nature of the industry still impacts environmental health in a big way. All aspects of the supply chain, from materials to transportation, can benefit from significant improvements.

9 Ways to Make Your Ecommerce Fulfillment Process Change a Success

| Brian Barry

There is no end to the process of reducing labor, saving time, making better use of ecommerce fulfillment center space and reducing costs and errors. To be competitive, flexible and survive in these turbulent times, continuous process improvement is critical. Here are 9 steps to consider when implementing this type of program. 

inventory management

Less Overstock Boosts Ecommerce Fulfillment Space and the Bottom Line

| Brian Barry

Inventory management is a strategic ecommerce issue that affects profitability and customer service. Additionally, many fulfillment centers have overstock inventory tying up valuable space. Here is a primer on liquidation strategies and ways to reduce overstock levels, freeing up valuable space and flowing dollars to the bottom line.