How Ryonet Enhanced Its Ecommerce Marketing Performance

Content Manager

Screen printing business Ryonet found that things work better the second time around. The company’s challenge was that its CRM, ERP and ecommerce solutions were siloed, making it difficult to maintain and transfer customer data back and forth among systems.

Ryonet had been running its ecommerce marketing on Netsuite and Bronto but selected a different email marketing provider for a time. When it found itself losing out on revenue opportunities, the company decided to return to Bronto.

“Before that we were using a very complex automation platform that was great at what it did, but it didn’t integrate with our Netsuite CRM very well,” said Ryan Moor, CEO of Ryonet. “It was difficult to attribute revenue to specific marketing campaigns, and the production aspect of the email automation was a lot more laborious.”

Within 30 days of the switch, Ryonet worked with Bronto’s abandoned cart email marketing software and realized an average of $13.05 in revenue per email, a 2,000% increase.

Netsuite and Bronto gave Ryonet an integrated CRM/ERP/ecommerce solution and eliminated the need for manual data transfer and maintenance, Moor said. It now uses the same data from its CRM to create more strategic and targeted email marketing campaigns.

“We saw an immediate increase in inbound leads and email open and click rates, as a well as revenue that we could attribute directly to our email marketing efforts,” said Moor. “The level of effort involved in creating campaigns was reduced as well, giving us the ability to do more in less time.”

In the 15 months since switching back to Bronto, Moor said Ryonet has more than doubled the revenue from its marketing emails. “The integration has given our customers a much more seamless and personalized experience,” he said.

Moor said the next big change Ryonet is working on is a personalized web experience and more account-based marketing.

“Web users will see different content and have a different experience depending on their segment and previous purchase and visit history, so they’ll see more content that is relevant and timely for them,” he said.