5 Lessons Learned from Previous Holiday Shopping Seasons

| Tim Parry

You did your due diligence, and created the ultimate holiday season plan for success. But a change happens in your supply chain, or consumers behave differently, or a storm delays your deliveries. How should you react and respond when your holiday plan veers off course?

Dragon Boat

Amazon Expands Seller Holiday Deals Program Worldwide

| Daniela Forte

Sellers will be offering thousands of deals throughout the holiday season across most product categories. The seller holiday deals program, which was introduced for the first time last year, will now be expanding worldwide on local Amazon sites in the U.S., in the EU, China, Japan, India and Canada.

Warehouse, distribution center, retail operations management, ecommerce

Why Exceeding Fulfillment Expectations is the New Holiday Ecommerce Strategy

| Kevon Hills

With each passing year, more ecommerce retailers urge their holiday shoppers to trust that they’ll be on time delivering each gift off their list. When customer care goes the extra mile, and CSR channels are well-prepared for holiday traffic, fulfillment presents retailers with another chance to shine in the eyes of seasonal shoppers.

How to Gain Ad-Traction this Holiday Season

| Daniela Forte

This holiday season retailers are being given the daunting task with attempting to reach consumers on multi-devices. Here are some insights in how to gain ad-traction during the busiest time of the year, according to this infographic by Adroit Digital.