| MCM staff

New lists Foreclosure Review This list contains entrepreneurs who purchased information about the real estate foreclosure market. These 88,613 individuals

Using simulators to find E-LTV

| Jim Wheaton

You know that best-practices marketing database content is essential to effective data mining. It works in tandem with longitudinal (over time) test panels and business simulators to identify and leverage a given company’s dynamics to provide important strategic and tactical insights.

Give first-time buyers a boost

| Gina Valentino

There’s an old joke about the devil being low on quota, so he decided to heavily promote special offers, free gifts and promises. With an immediate and

Co-ops crippling catalog list business

| Melissa Dowling

How are catalog list owners like the U.S. Postal Service? Both keep raising prices to make up for business shortfalls. And catalogers can’t ignore this vicious cycle, Bill LaPierre told attendees of the NEMOA conference in Portland, ME, in September.

More postal pain?

| Jim Tierney

The U.S. Postal Service wants to raise rates again, and nobody knows how the agency will go about the increase. Some fear the USPS may try to go for one last big hike under the old rules.

Wildfires Spare Southern CA Mailers

| MCM staff

The tragic Southern California wildfires had many catalogers working on suppressing mailings to zip codes in the affected areas last week. But merchants based in the region had more pressing concerns, such as evacuations, air quality, distribution problems, and of course, general terror that the flames would reach them.

Using Your Co-ops to Maximize Profit Potential

| Jim Coogan

The co-operative databases can help you cut the waste out of your circulation and offset the postage increase, and squeeze incremental profit dollars out of your circulation.

Here are some tips on how to use the co-ops to maximize the profit potential of your circulation

Fasano Regrets Wildfire Reference in E-mail Blast

| Tim Parry

You can do good things all your life, but be remembered for the one bad one. Pat Fasano’s 25-year-old list firm has been a community steward in Southern California, and is hoping it can overcome one questionable e-mail blast send last week.