Catalog Copy: You Know What You Mean Do They?
I’m looking at an upscale catalog. Here’s a wine cooler. The heading: Our Exclusive Compact Cellar Now in 2 styles Okay, we pay no attention to instead
I’m looking at an upscale catalog. Here’s a wine cooler. The heading: Our Exclusive Compact Cellar Now in 2 styles Okay, we pay no attention to instead
Norwalk, CT-based computer cataloger Micro Warehouse has appointed Kirby Myers to the newly created position of president, North American operations.
This past holiday season, West Marine scored a 16% conversion rate about eight times its typical rate with an e-mail campaign that delivered digitized
The Annual Catalog Conference (ACC) has seen the catalog industry through both highs and lows over the past 19 years. And while this year is shaping up
Three middle-aged women with dry skin, expanding waistlines, and the desire for comfortable, attractive exercise wear figured out six years ago what many
Among respondents to the most recent Catalog Age Benchmark Report on Print and Production (October 2000 issue), 83% printed their catalogs using offset
The continuing soft economic climate and last year
B2B Brand Group, which mails the T. Shipley, Reliable HomeOffice, and catalogs, is restructuring into an entirely new business
Ritz Interactive, which mails the Ritz Camera catalog, acquired Portland-based and its namesake catalog on May 1. Terms of the deal were
Pet supplies cataloger Doctors Foster & Smith professes not to be concerned about being sued by Novartis Animal Health U.S. In a suit filed on March 22,