Opinion & Response

| MCM staff

From Dictation to Dick Tracy Layoffs are no laughing matter, but for some they bring about change for the better. Just ask Margaret Thompson, a former

Opinion & Response

| MCM staff

Down on UPS Over the years we have heard and seen how the United Parcel Service seems to do everything it can to show its lack of concern and sheer disdain


| Rama Ramaswami

Multiple personalities are no longer a bad thing, at least in retail. It’s now taken for granted that if you plan to sell products and services, you must

opinion & response

| MCM staff

Stop Cloning Around Bravo! I just read the August editor’s letter Attack of the Clones, and I couldn’t agree with you more! We have spoken with many catalogers


| Rama Ramaswami

IT heads are no longer sitting in the dark. At this time in 2001, information technology was stuck in limbo, with spending pretty much stagnant as CIOs

Doing the Time Warp

| Bennett Voyles

Book buyers may be partying like it’s 1999, but is Buy.com’s free shipping policy a good idea? You can’t download dog food. If we learned nothing else

The Last 10,000 Miles

| Bennett Voyles

In the first few years of the Internet boom, cyber pundits promised a world where consumers would be able to buy anything, anywhere, anytime. Inexperienced

opinion & response

| MCM staff

What’s the Deal? John Lenser’s August Small Catalogs Forum article (Finding Gold in Segments of Dross) causes me to question whether I understand him

opinion & response

| MCM staff

Newbie Gives His Props We just started receiving Catalog Age, and I have to tell you that it’s the most comprehensive magazine serving the retail, Internet,

opinion & response

| MCM staff

Sounding Off on Show Business After last year’s Annual Catalog Conference (ACC), one marked with poor exhibit hall traffic, we polled our clients about