How Retailers Can Adapt to Dimensional Weight Pricing Changes
Steps that retailers should take to prepare for dimensional weight pricing that is taking effect at the end of the year.
Steps that retailers should take to prepare for dimensional weight pricing that is taking effect at the end of the year.
A listing of some recently announced expansions and additions of distribution and fulfillment centers.
Here is a listing of some recently announced expansions and additions in distribution and fulfillment centers.
The key to implementing a successful omnichannel strategy is to prioritize your tactics based on your business goals and to walk before you run.
As retailers continue to battle Amazon’s quick and cheap approach, omnichannel strategy is becoming an increasingly important weapon in their arsenal.
Doug Brochu, CEO of Bridge Solutions Group, talks about what a pop-up distribution center is, how it operates and the benefits for merchants.
Experts and executives talk about steps being taken to avoid the holiday shipping snafus that caused delays and angry customers in 2013.
Aiming for Amazon, Google adds Barnes & Noble to its Google Shopping Express same-day delivery program in Manhattan, San Francisco, West Los Angeles.
Amazon today announced same-day delivery is being added in the Baltimore, Dallas, Indianapolis, New York City, Philadelphia and Washington DC metro areas.
Amazon’s plans for new sortation centers are part of its larger goals of getting close to the customer, Sunday delivery and competing with major carriers.