Don’t Be Afraid of Multichannel Marketing Attribution

| Eric Keating

Marketing attribution can be tricky. There are ways to get a better handle on multichannel marketing attribution for your own brand in order to see huge improvements in how you define the true ROI of your marketing. Here are four ways to make this easier for your brand.

AI brain illustration

What Machine Learning Can Do For Retailers Today

| Paul Mandeville

At its simplest, machine learning (ML) refers to the capacity for a program to automatically improve, or “learn,” as it ingests data to accomplish a specific task or set of tasks. Here are three ways retailers can use machine learning to their benefit.

AI brain illustration

For Retail Marketing, 2018 is a Time to Evolve

| Tal Kedar

The days of traditional retail marketing are long gone, and AI is reshaping the skills required and the strategies that will bring the most success. Here are some ways this shift will challenge marketing departments in the New Year.

Study Reveals Consumers Want Loyalty Program Shift

| MCM staff

Sixty-four percent of all consumers still find it appealing to earn points for purchases, but there is a need to shift the role loyalty plays within the consumer journey. Here are some of other expectations from consumers when it comes to loyalty programs.

Why Brands Have a Gen Z Loyalty Problem

| Ed Burek

When it comes to Gen Z, brands have a loyalty problem. According to National Retail Federation, only 36% of Gen Z feel a strong connection or loyalty to a brand. Here is why Gen-Z customers can be the hardest to please and what retailers need to do to keep them coming back.

Advanced Segmentation With Third Party Data

| Andrew Fegley

The bedrock of any marketing campaign is first-party data; the information you have collected from and about your customers is invaluable in terms of understanding key metrics about the people who have purchased from, and/or are loyal to, your brand. Here is a quick glossary of the key categories of information you can get from third-party sources.