domestic imports containers feature

Freight Forwarders, Shippers: Creating Long-Term Relationships

| Brian Glick

Freight forwarders who excelled as partners during crisis points will be well positioned to turn recent first dates with shippers into long, beautiful relationships. They have been using tech to create efficiencies that allow them to devote time and attention to stellar customer service over the past two years when business was tough.

e-grocery bin

E-Grocery Performance Drops for Conventional Grocers

| Mike O'Brien

Conventional grocers saw a nearly 7% drop in e-grocery sales on a same-store basis during the 12 weeks ending Sept. 28, 2021, according to a new report from Brick Meets Click, due to a 3.1% decrease in orders combined with AOV dropping nearly 4% as the pandemic effect lessened.

Same Day Delivery to be Across the Board By 2025

| Mike O'Brien

Nearly all retailers plan to offer same-day delivery by 2025, compared to just 35% today, according to a survey conducted by last-mile delivery platform Bringg. The December survey of 500 retailers from the U.S., Canada, the UK, Germany, France and Italy found 99% of respondents planned to offer same-day in the next three years.

truck driver open road

The Supply Chain Crisis from the Driver’s Seat

| Mike Glodziak

Frontline workers have been the focus for the past two years. This term conjures up a variety of images, and until now truck drivers were probably not one of the first that came to mind. Drivers have been overlooked and overworked and in high demand throughout this pandemic – among the unsung heroes now getting their due.  

UPS van in snow holiday peak season feature

Carriers Come Through for Christmas

| Mike O'Brien

After a hairy 2020 peak season, with capacity at a premium and late parcel orders piling up, on-time performance by the big three carriers was strong, helped by a lot of early shopping from consumers based on earlier promotions, as well as improved levels of in-store activity.

Walmart InHome fridge feature

Walmart Quintuples In-Home Grocery Delivery

| Mike O'Brien

In another front of their ever-escalating war, Walmart is quadrupling its in-home grocery delivery service as Amazon continues to step it up as well, both doubling down despite concerns that linger among consumers related to COVID-19 and the omicron variant spike.

Is a New Ecommerce Fulfillment Center Right for You?

| Brian Barry

Your company’s ecommerce fulfillment center is running out of space. You have been tasked with determining whether the existing facility can scale up to the five-year business plan, or a new facility is required. Here is a helpful checklist to use in evaluating both your existing and potential new ecommerce fulfillment facilities.

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DoorDash Powers Same-Day Delivery at J.C. Penney, Shoe Carnival

| Mike O'Brien

In a bid to grab more last-minute shoppers looking for convenience, J.C. Penney and Shoe Carnival have partnered with DoorDash to offer same-day delivery of online orders. DoorDash, Instacart, Postmates and Uber, initially growing through grocery and restaurant, have been expanding aggressively into general retail.

Solving for Oversized Fulfillment in Ecommerce

| Jasmine Brown

Oversized fulfillment for ecommerce remains a black hole for many. Pickup/delivery schedules, assembly and costs all friction factors. How do you find more efficiency by reducing costs and what are the customer expectations? Retail executives discuss the issue in our inaugural Think Tank Forum, “Solving for Oversized Fulfillment.”

oversized fulfillment illustration feature

Solving for Oversized Fulfillment in Ecommerce

| Mike O'Brien

Oversized fulfillment for ecommerce remains a black hole for many. Pickup/delivery schedules, assembly and costs all friction factors. How do you find more efficiency by reducing costs and what are the customer expectations? Retail executives discuss the issue in our inaugural Think Tank Forum, “Solving for Oversized Fulfillment.”