10 Ways to Improve Warehouse Efficiency and Reduce Costs

| Curt Barry

What are you doing in your warehouse across freight management, incentive pay for employees, creating baselines for KPIs, developing great managers and other critical areas? Here are 10 things to consider as you look for ways to make your operations more efficient and less costly.

Ecommerce Operations Summit 2019: A Look Back in Photos

| Daniela Forte

The Multichannel Merchant team held its 8th Annual Ecommerce Operations Summit April 9 through 11 in Columbus, Ohio. The event included several highly attended sessions, engaging roundtables, warehouse tours and exciting keynote discussions. The exhibit hall was buzzing with sponsors and exhibitors, and attendees had the chance to network with their peers throughout the conference. Here is a look back at Ecommerce Operations Summit in photos. Enjoy!

MCM CommerceChat podcast

Women Make Strides in Omnichannel Operations

| Daniela Forte

For years, ecommerce operations have been perceived as a male-dominated world. However, it’s become evident today that women are making noticeable strides and taking on more leadership roles. In the latest MCM CommerceChat podcast, Angie Stocklin, Co-Founder and COO of One Click, talks about how her company has made an effort to be more inclusive as a way to ensure growth and opportunity.

Walmart store exterior feature

Walmart Cites Operational Issues in Q4 Ecommerce Slowdown

| Daniela Forte

Due in large part to inventory management issues around the critical holiday period, Walmart reported a serious slowdown in its booming ecommerce growth during the fourth quarter, which increased 23% compared to a 50% gain a year earlier. See what these challenges were for Walmart and what it meant for sales in the fourth quarter.

Hacking Productivity Across a Dispersed Ecommerce Team

| Isaac Kohen

Ecommerce customers expect 24×7 service across email, chat, call, and social media. Online shopping today means your customers can be anywhere and reach out to you at any time with questions about a purchase, shipping or credit card issues. Here are a few tips that will help keep communication open between the customer and retailer.

ecommerce fulfillment shiny floor feature

6 Operational KPIs to Know Anytime, Anywhere

| Derek O'Carroll

Today, we see some retailers strained beyond repair, closing stores while putting more pressure on suppliers to retain some level of margin and profitability. Here are six key performance indicators that retailers should be able to use to measure specific data at any time.

MCM Outlook 2017: Seismic Shopping Shifts Bring Evolution to Fulfillment

| Tim Parry

Shift happens. And right now, there’s a seismic shift in how U.S. consumers shop. After years of being told by ecommerce analysts and experts that “this is the Year of Mobile,” mobile commerce is finally here, and it’s taking the traditional retail model with it. Check out why mobile commerce is changing the way retailers are changing everything when it comes to fulfilling orders and communicating with customers.