free shipping Amazon feature

Amazon Free Shipping Threshold Shift a Win Either Way

| Mike O'Brien

Amazon is testing pricing for non-Prime members to get free shipping in selected areas, raising the threshold from $25 back to $35 – the same as for shoppers who aren’t members of Walmart+ – as it probes the potential to increase order value when shoppers add items. Amazon has yo-yoed the order threshold as it reads the tea leaves of analytical data on shopper behavior and pulls the levers.

Amazon Prime box feature

FTC: Amazon Duped Consumers into Prime, Then Made It Hard to Leave

| Mike O'Brien

The Federal Trade Commission has filed suit against Amazon, alleging it duped millions of consumers into signing up for its Prime subscription program, then made it difficult for them to quit, an allegation the company vigorously denies. The FTC claims Amazon intentionally complicated the cancellation process, adding it “slowed or rejected changes that would’ve made it easier …”

ecommerce subscription box feature

Why Your Ecommerce Subscription Model Isn’t Working

| Mike Debnar

Not every ecommerce subscription plan is well designed. In fact, some can result in customer experience (CX) failures leading to dissatisfaction, churn and brand detractors. This in turn hits the bottom line, transforming a win-win into a lose-lose. Here are some tips to help boost loyalty by making your program more attractive.

loyalty program Clarus + PrizeLogic feature

Loyalty Program Provider Clarus Commerce Acquires PrizeLogic

| Mike O'Brien

Premium loyalty program provider Clarus Commerce has acquired PrizeLogic to add rebate and promotion engine and rich first-party customer data as third-party tracking cookies are on the way out and Apple’s new iOS operating system severely limits marketers’ access to user activities. Terms were not disclosed.

Amazon Prime box feature

Prime Members Are 68% of All Amazon Shoppers

| Mike O'Brien

More than two-thirds of Amazon shoppers are Prime members, the highest figure recorded by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) since the company started tracking it in 2012, adding there are now 142 million Prime members in the U.S. as the pandemic floods its ranks.

MCM CommerceChat podcast

How a Supply Chain Makeover Will Help Le Tote Integrate Lord & Taylor

| Mike O'Brien

Le Tote plans to modernize Lord & Taylor’s assets, including integration with Le Tote’s rental business to drive upselling. Retail industry veteran Robert Escobar has signed on to help Le Tote create a roadmap for a supply chain makeover to meet its business objectives. Find out more in this MCM CommerceChat podcast interview.

The Operational Impacts of Personalizing Subscription Ecommerce

| Nicole Lee

There’s no doubt that subscribers want to feel special. Subscription commerce companies can satisfy their desire by personalizing offerings in a few different ways. But these all add to the complexity of order fulfillment operations. Here are a few factors to consider when looking to personalize your subscription commerce offerings.

Is Your Online Business Ready for a Subscription Model?

| James Gagliardi

Subscriptions aren’t just for digital content anymore. The online subscription model is expanding to embrace a wider range of vertical industries, from consumer electronics to packaged goods. Just about anything that is consumable, repeatable or has a finite lifespan may be a candidate for subscription commerce. Here are 3 key questions every company needs to ask itself now.

Subscription Commerce Success Visualized

| Daniela Forte

Acquisition and conversion may still be getting the lion’s share of marketing budgets, but the ROI on retention efforts is higher than ever. No matter what your business does, subscription programs represent a great opportunity to maximize recurring revenue, retention & lifetime value.