personalization chick on phone

Retailers Defining the Future with Data

| Susan Jeffers

Taking full advantage of big data insights will enable retailers to make quick, informed decisions vs. relying on traditional analytics. They can better understand their customers, track their behaviors, and understand purchase patterns and frequency, in order to market the right products in the right places at the right time. 

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5 Metaverse Marketing Considerations for Brands

| Matt Kilmartin

Marketers are wondering what issues they should be considering as metaverse marketing becomes a must have. Five issues to keep top of mind: balancing branding and performance; campaign buying methodologies; developing new metrics; what customer data will look like; and how to build secure experiences.

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Total Information Awareness: Why It Matters for Marketers

| Gerard Daher

Marketers who make sure their team – in fact, their entire organization – has easy access to critical first- and third-party data can achieve total information awareness nirvana. They can use data-driven insights to personalize their marketing strategies, acquire new customers, reduce churn, launch new products and mitigate risk.

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DTCs: Effective Alternatives to 3P Cookies

| Brian Eberman

Now that 3P cookie targeting is on its way out, thanks to Apple and Google sunsetting them in 2023, brands will need new targeting and measurement strategies. DTCs need to start now to put in places alternative forms of measurement in order to restore their advertising performance and attribution capabilities. 

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Promoting Out-Of-Stocks Wastes Ad Dollars

| Dan LeBlanc

Frustrating shoppers by showing them unavailable products does much more than wasting ad dollars and losing a sale. Out-of-stocks decrease basket sizes, cause VIP customers to leave loyalty programs, damage brand reputation and take customer service members away from helping customers who already bought an item.

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VoC Data: How to Listen to Shoppers

| David Fletcher

After two years of rapid change in ecommerce and retail, what do consumers want? Trust me, they’ll tell you, via Voice of the Customer (VoC) data, and you should be asking and listening. Now that a great customer experience is table stakes, retailers need to know more about them to stand out, making VoC data that much more critical.

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Ad Fatigue, and the Cure

| Justin Ohanessian

Are your ad campaigns receiving fewer clicks than they used to? Are you having trouble generating leads? Are you dissatisfied with your current lack of engagements? If so, your digital marketing may be suffering from ad fatigue. The good news: It’s fixable.

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Martech and Digital Experience Management: The New Frontier

| John Schneider

Today, consumers expect you to anticipate their needs and offer relevant suggestions before their initial contact. Powerful martech tools such as customer data platforms, AI-based personalization and digital asset management (DAM) help you make “next best action” decisions that future-proof your customer experience strategy.

How Alternative Data Improves UX and Helps Marketing Teams

| Michele Tucci

Fragments derived from alternative data are essential to discover more granular consumer behaviors and lifestyles. This helps build better segmentation models and more appropriate customer journeys that offer delight experiences. Insights on consumer behavior and lifestyle can be gleaned through analysis of installed apps.