With More States Requiring Online Sales Tax Collection, Concerns Rise

| Mike O'Brien

As of Oct. 1, 10 states added a requirement for remote sellers to begin collecting tax online sales tax in the wake of the Supreme Court’s landmark Wayfair ruling in June, and many merchants are finding it difficult to comply. See what an advocacy group is doing, when states are enacting laws and what litigation is pending.

When Does an Urban Fulfillment Center Model Make Sense?

| Brendan Heegan

While Amazon can spend $21.7 billion on shipping to meet growing customer expectations, everyone else can’t and ecommerce entrepreneurs need to develop a well-thought-out strategy to address evolving demands. You need to consider these four factors before investing in the urban fulfillment center trend.

warehouse workers

How to Compare Internal Fulfillment Costs to a 3PL Approach

| Brian Barry

Using a 3PL can be cost effective and provide high customer service as an alternative to internal fulfillment for ecommerce and multichannel companies. The burning question is: How will it compare to my internal costs? These 6 considerations will help you arrive at fully loaded costs per order for each option.

The 5 Hurdles to Autonomous Checkout

| Michael Suswal

Dramatic changes in retail can be seen through the lens of large and small technology companies. Retailers are facing an urgent need to improve shopping experiences, and no retail technology is more exciting than autonomous checkout. Here are five hurdles that need to be cleared to make any idea a viable market solution.